Friday, September 23, 2011

NiToMeYo from Spain

Paula, 6 years old, has taken this from her pencil
Hello, It's me!
NiToMeYo from Spain

Después de innumerables sesiones de trabajo, y organización de ideas, fechas, adaptaciones, y posibilidades, salimos a la luz anunciándonos a padres y profesores.
Este es el tríptico donde hemos intentado recoger brevemente TOOODO el trabajo que llevamos hecho y que tenemos por delante.
Esperamos saber transmitir la ilusión y las ganas con que abordamos este proyecto.
Un saludo.

We use this leaflet and a class meeting to inform families about the project


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First contact with NiToMeYo in France

Nice to meet you , NiToMeYo !!!

We are very happy to see you, you're very great !

We can see NiToMeYo in our school's blog:

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The concrete objectives are:

For children (cognitive, affective, and behavioural level):
-To introduce the children to the variety of cultures represented in their school/class.
-To develop attitudes of interest regarding the children's own culture, making it richer by comparing it with that of the European countries.
-To discover and the traditions, the uses and the customs that characterize their own culture and that of other partner countries ( SUBJECTS/ACTIVITIES: holidays , typical rice and flour recipes , typical songs and traditional stories and legends).
-To develop different skills into the pupils with expressive, logical and creative difficulties.
-To encourage participation that is representative and inclusive of all student groups, including special education.
-To develop fine motor and sensory skills in multicultural art activities.
-To learn words and simple expressions in English language.
-To prepare pupils to be citizens of a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual society, in which awareness of, respect for and interest in other cultures will be vital.
-To reinforce the European dimension of our school education.

For the teachers and headmasters :
- To widen the cultural horizons through contacts with colleagues of other countries.
- To discuss about educational and pedagogical problems.
- To know the scholastic systems of the countries participating the project.
- To develop the use of computer.
- To encourage the motivation and the pleasure to the job and therefore to contribute to create a better atmosphere among the members of the teaching team.
- To improve the instruction through the reflection and the cooperative job.

For the parents:
- To involve the parents in the life of the school as much as possible, introducing a multiracial and multicultural European dimension in the families, the local community and the territory.

The project will utilize a variety of methodologies such as: storytelling, role plays (puppetry, drama), simulations, use of ICT, problem solving, arts & crafts, cooking activities and dancing.

We produce an experienced and tested bank of resources which is representative of the partnership and it is not only used by all the schools in the partnership, but also by the wider community through the website, publications, CD, DVD... The project will be realized according to the educational policy and the educational programs for children in our schools .


Europe has always been a meeting place for different cultures and civilizations. The history shows us how different cultures met, lived and fought with each other. Our schools partners are endowed with a vast repertoire of skills, experiences and needs (geographic location, immigrant pupils with a migratory background, with disability...). This diversity, allied with the individual and social differences evident in the our student population, enables and requires a pedagogy based on respect for and the celebration of difference.
The children are easily influenced by the culture, opinions, and attitudes of their caregivers. Caregivers' perceptions of ethnic and racial groups can affect the child's attitudes toward those minority groups. In the multicultural and multi-ethnic Europe of today, the schools have to promote intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and respect around a common theme. This project, involving pupils and teachers in a great multi-cultural European experience, provides stimulation and motivation. It will influence the development of positive attitudes in young pupils by learning about and promoting the various cultures . The teachers can help to eliminate stereotypes by presenting material and activities that enable children to learn the similarities of all the single persons. This project widens the horizons and creates friendships, breaking through national, linguistic and social barriers.
"NiToMeYo" promote awareness of each other’s way of life, appreciation of diversity (by sharing cultural experiences and promoting respect for “the other”); INTERCULTURAL AND MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP is the key to this Comenius partnership and , in our project, THE DIFFERENCES MAKE LIFE FUN!

Project description

The European community is characterized by different traditions, cultures and regional identities: promoting enhanced awareness of different cultures , traditions of the people living in the Europe, is our priority.
Our strategy...."One day a little blue alien (a puppet) arrive to school. He comes from a galaxy far, far away and he only speak “Nice To Meet You!” , for this the children call him Ni.To.Me.Yo. The children want to be his friends, they learn about their country and culture through food and songs, celebrations and tales…"
Using innovative and creative pedagogical practices, this project encourage the children to develop their own cultural identity, to explore experiences that might not be part of their everyday lives and the information about the European partners countries ( their traditional foods, dishes, songs, dances and legends connected with festivals, holidays and other important days) , it promotes curiosity, recognition, understanding the importance of cultural diversity and individual uniqueness, it teaches that although people look different, they are all equal. When the children will prepare some European and international rice or flour recipes , they will discover that everybody eats rice and flour, just in different ways. So really, everyone is the same. The children will begin to see that all people like to sing and dance, but every group has its own special ways of doing it. The Blog of project, the CD, the hand-made books, manuals... all products will promote the didactic action and the intercultural dialogue .
"NiToMeYo" is a great opportunity for pupils, parents and teachers to enrich their experience and to compare knowledge with peers from other countries, to open out to a multicultural dimension, to EUROPEAN DIMENSION.